How to Take Care of Synthetic Braids?

How to Take Care of Synthetic Braids?

  • 15 Apr 2020
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A good set of synthetic braid is one great solution for adding length to your hair. You can also use it to enjoy positive changes on your hairstyle while promoting ease and convenience when it comes to managing your hair. One important thing to remember when it comes to using and wearing synthetic braids is that similar to your natural hair, it also requires regular washing.

It is because the braids are prone to accumulating oil, residues, and dirt, causing dullness. It is also advisable to give it special treatment and proper care. With that, your synthetic braid has a higher chance of being in its best condition.

Here’s how you can take good care of your synthetic braid:

Pre-treat your hair

This should be one of the first steps to take when it comes to ensuring that your synthetic hair will be properly cared for. Keep in mind that even before installing the braids, you need to do some legwork for your natural hair. Also, while the braid can provide your hair with the rest it needs, it is still essential to seek the aid of a professional when having it done. This is crucial in ensuring that the braid does not get too tight.

In most cases, hair pre-treatment involves washing and conditioning your natural hair. It is also advisable to make use of hydrating deep conditioners designed to moisturize your natural hair. Once the necessary pre-treatments are done, you can move on to having the synthetic braids installed.

Avoid rubbing the braids while washing

It is necessary for you to use a clarifying shampoo when washing your hair and braid. This is a big help in removing dirt and all sorts of buildup on your scalp. Avoid rubbing your braids, though. The best way to wash it is to start from the scalp to the end. The movements should be on a vertical angle to prevent your hair from getting frizzy, especially at the roots. You may also want to use a bit of conditioner but make sure to put it only on the hair’s ends.

Take advantage of hot oil treatment from time to time

You have to schedule a hot oil treatment every now and then. If you have this treatment scheduled, make sure to do it right after washing your hair. One advantage of having this treatment is that it works in rehydrating stressed scalp. It can also hydrate your hair strands.

It comes with ingredients that your hair shaft can easily absorb. These ingredients will not just sit on top of your strands, like what usually happens when you are using a traditional oil. The fact that it gets absorbed by your shaft or penetrates your hair and scalp deeply means that it works magic when it comes to moisturizing and hydrating your hair and braids.

Style your braids only after you have properly and completely dried them

Avoid styling your braids when they are still damp. Note that styling them without properly and fully drying them first might result in unpleasant scalp and hair issues, like the formation of mildew, fungus, and dandruff. Let it dry completely for a minimum of thirty minutes if you have a hooded dryer. In case you don’t have one, just air-dry your braids for one whole day. Do not make the mistake of pulling up your braid and styling it until it is fully dry.

Develop your own routine at home when it comes to caring for your braids

Remember that having synthetic braids require you to spend more time and exert more effort towards taking care of your hair in its entirety. This is the main reason why you have to consider establishing and developing your own at-home routines designed to take good care of them. For instance, you should make it a habit to hydrate your braids using a leave-in conditioner every day.

Another important habit is to wear a scarf or bonnet made of satin every night, specifically before you sleep. This is crucial in lowering the risk of having tangles or dryness. Avoid using heavy hair products, too. Go for those guaranteed to be mild and gentle for your strands.

Monitor the condition of your scalp

Note that no matter how great your hair looks, it is still not advisable to keep your braids for an extremely long time. This is why monitoring your scalp and listening to the signals it sends is necessary. For example, once you notice that shedding hair starts accumulating, getting rid of your synthetic braid should be your priority.

It is because the extra weight might put more stress and pressure on your natural hair. Be observant of what your scalp is telling you. It will send signals indicating that it already has enough. For instance, it could get itchy, uncomfortable, or feel heavy. If any of those signs become imminent then maybe it is time to remove the braids and have them replaced.

Shampoo your braid correctly

Make it a point to use a kind of shampoo specifically designed for braids. Alternatively, you can use one teaspoon of regular shampoo that you have already diluted in 2 quartz cold water. Apply it on your scalp. Make sure to massage the shampoo thoroughly to ensure that the oil and dirt get loosened up.

After that, rinse it completely. Use a towel to dry the braids completely. Complete this process by spraying a moisturizing treatment specifically designed for braids to your hair. This step is important in replacing any moisture lost while shampooing.


Taking good care of your synthetic braids is truly necessary as this is the key to making it last for as long as you want, probably even longer. Apart from the tips mentioned, it is also advisable to let your braids air-dry after every wash. Avoid using any heating or styling tool, like a hair dryer, as this might cause the synthetic fibers to melt.

Another vital tip is to avoid going to bed while your braids are still wet. It is because this might cause the development of mildew overnight, leading to unwanted odor. Prevent your braids from getting frayed or damaged by ensuring that you do not squeeze water roughly from them. Do not wring them, too. By doing all these tips, you can enjoy nice-looking braids for quite a long time.


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